Thursday, August 5, 2010

going-to-new-doctor Hashi nerves

A trip to a new doctor is an event that fills the Hashi with a combination of hope and dread. We hope that this new doctor will be understanding & have sufficient knowledge of our weirdnesses aka symptoms; that they will be well informed by current research so able to offer us insight, rather than the other way around; that they will be open to ideas from the patient as they realise that the average Hashi spends a great time of time feeling like shite so seeks ways to feel better, and again have the capacity to guide us wisely in this rather than judging/medicating us as fruitcake hypochondriacs with depressions/psychoses/schizophrenias we don't have (of course if a person does suffer from such, they should receive the appropriate care & meds), which also happens to be what we dread on that first visit to the new doc. I have a special aversion to doctors who use the word 'believe' when they talk about Hashis as this indicates that they do not keep up to date with research, and in fact think that current research is for doctors of poor quality who don't have firmly held beliefs about Hashimoto's and are therefore liable to be swayed by results of such research. (I should pose this to my students in my critical thinking class!)

Yesterday found me tuk-tuking my way to a new doc to have my regular bloods done with all these thoughts running around in my head. There are any number of clinics I could have chosen to go to that would have been able to do the tests but I chose the main Western clinic, SOS, as I thought the chances of a 'good thyroid doc' were higher. I saw a skinny-as-a-rake, 30 something female Australian doc who was vibrant, funny, intelligent, compassionate and well educated in the thyroid department ; a Lotto winning combination in a doc if I ever saw one. She's a keeper! Results on Monday...

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