Sunday, March 20, 2011


Only momentarily, but yes, that is where a huntsman spider decided to take refuge while I was trying clothes on in  a shop yesterday. I had just taken off a top so was only in my bra when this thing jumped on my left shoulder, ran across it then dived straight in. I immediately yanked my bra off, sending the spider into a pile of clothing on the floor from which it must have made its escape as it wasn't seen again. I didn't scream probably because I didn't have time to but I can now feel a silent scream rattling around my head whenever I think of it. I hate the bloody things.

OK, onto the real business which is the weekly weigh in. I only lost 200 grams.  Although a 200 gram loss is better than a kick in the teeth, it still feels like a kick in the pants so I'm going to focus this week - after drinking too much on Saturday night, that is. I've really got to stop doing that. Also, this week there will be NO CHOCOLATE. Recently, chocolate seems to have taken control of my mind so it's time to take it back. I've bought a couple of pieces of what I call 'challenge' clothing. These are items that I really, really want to wear and can get on, but they are too tight to wear now, so I have to diet to get into them. I have managed to fit into all my previous challenge pieces, which is great, but I've become a bit unmotivated so this should help kick me in the arse.

I'm still exhausted from starting the new job. Some mornings I wake up so zonked that later, I'm not sure if I took my Levo. I'm reasonably certain that I have forgotten a couple of times, which is really not like me at all. I've never had problems remembering to take it before, but I haven't been this bad in the morning for about 10 years. I still haven't completely fixed the water issue so I'm probably still struggling with the bloody fluoride, and whatever the hell else is going on.

Next week is another week so hopefully with a bit more effort, if I can find it in me, I'll have a better result.

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