Tuesday, December 21, 2010


"One night in Bangkok" would have been enough. I don't think I've ever instantly fallen in hate with a place like I have with BKK. I've had a few 'really don't like's, mainly big, polluted Chinese cities, but I would take one of those over this place any day. I have to say that I did not have high expectations of the place to start with and these were right on the button.

I think the worst aspect is that it's a soul-less hole. The 'land of smiles' should be renamed 'the land of lies.' Getting a smile out of anyone is like trying to get blood out of a stone and they are only happy when ripping off people. I met one poor little old German lady (budget) traveller who was constantly being targeted for rip offs. There is obviously no respect for age; no respect for anything at all. There is also a lot of man/woman-handling. They shove and pull and push people around like sacks of rice. I have a pretty strong 'don't fuck with me' face developed from years of living in Asia so I don't get this, but I see others who have the 'deer in headlights' face on the receiving end of such treatment. I will just be happy to get out of this country without a serious confrontation with some idiot who shoves me. 

I have managed to do some shopping. I had my heart set on a pair of sparkly embroidered jeans  and I got not one, but two pairs. OK, so one pair is a size too small, but I plan on fitting them within six months. The others fit well now so I'm happy. I got a few other bits and pieces and have put a stop to any more shopping until Kuala Lumpur or Singapore. 

The great disappointment has been the food. It's the one thing I did have high expectations of but unfortunately these have not been met. Seriously, they haven't got a clue what to do with a fresh vegetable. Everything is slathered in fat and sugar (even more than elsewhere in Asia), and they have the disgusting practice of double frying. Without going somewhere pricey, it's difficult to get well made food of any description, even Thai. The worst so far was a tom yum kung that had curdled. It looked like a bowl of vomit. It had been drenched in kaffir lime and had completely unbalanced flavours. I've also had extremely average to poor green curries and along with crappy food, I have parasites again so it's time for a dose.

Tomorrow, I'm off by train to the relatively un-touristed town of Chumphon and am staying at a diving resort out of town. It's apparently a little down at heel but like Thailand used to be before the tourist boom. It also has a good beach, a 30 metre pool, boats to Koh Toa and squid fishing at night. Sounds right about my kind of place. I hold out some hopes of finishing my time in Thailand on a positive note.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aly, I hope you are well.

    Just want you to know that I'm following you every step of the way. Have a safe journey and keep posting.

    I'd be more expansive ;-) but I'm in a rut at the moment.... I'm sure it will pass....

    Take care, Robert.
