Thursday, July 8, 2010

Work is a four letter word when you have Hashi's

It had to happen sooner or later; avoidance could not go on for ever; everyone (pretty much) has to do it; work, that is.

My new job started on Tuesday with an induction and with it came the aches and pains of upping your routine that is the curse of Hashi's.

I have 5 classes at 4 different levels; a general English class of students who failed their last listening exam which is taught as a listening and pron course, one of the intro to IELTS levels and then 3 classes at 2 academic English levels. All very familiar so should be like riding a bike, just a different model.

My earliest class starts at 9.45am on Mon, Weds, Fri while on Tues & Thurs I have one class only from 5.30 to 8pm. The reason I'm posting in this detail is that it is pretty much a dream schedule for managing thyroid disease whilst teaching full time. On the busy days, I start at a civilized hour, teach 2 classes, have a 3 hour break then teach 2 more classes. On the quiet days, I teach one early evening class. 

My energy is virtually non-existent early morning and picks up throughout the day so I'm delighted that I have no early starts while the 3 hour breaks mean I can sleep, rest, get a massage or whatever I need to keep me going. And 2 really quiet days? That's not much more than popping out to the supermarket. It will be interesting to see how this completely different schedule will work out for me. I shall keep you posted...

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