Friday, October 8, 2010

So how's this exercise thing going?

The first week went very well. I managed to eat usually reasonable cheap, tasty and healthy salads at a variety of locations withing a 20 to 30 minute walk from work or home. Some were better than others - reviews coming soon. I dropped 2.5kgs which took me back to 81kgs. Quite a bit of muscle pain was experienced but nothing that a few light-weight painkillers before bed couldn't resolve before the morning, and starting it all over again. Mentally, I felt more alert and enjoyed the challenge of 'finding' my dinner. 

Then came the 'episode' with the gate. Long story short, I've got some bad bruising on my left arm & hand, which got stuck in it, and a very painful left hip and knee, which were involved in breaking it open. This was all due to the idiocy of the person who moved the padlock from it's regular, accessible position, to one where it was impossible to open and left me stuck in the bloody gate, on the street, at night with robbers and murderers running around. (I don't think the locals quite understand the concept of 'serial killer' but they do seem to have several operating rather successfully, and unimpeded by investigation, in the city.)

The upshot is that I haven't been up to walking much at all. Being determined, I managed to and from work (only 10 mins each way) but by a mid-week, sneaky extra weigh-in, it was apparent that this is not enough and it was crawling back up. As we have a 4 day, long weekend this weekend, I decided to stay and sort myself out so with the aid of anti-inflammatories, I managed about and hour and 20 mins walk yesterday and plan on swimming each day for the rest of the holiday. 

Everyone has gone to visit their rellies in the countryside so I'm having a very peaceful time and restoring my inner calm. 

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