Tuesday, August 3, 2010

silly, silly me

There was I on Sunday, so preoccupied with point 5 of a kilo this and half an inch that, that I completely overlooked the fact that I had hit a milestone - 10 inches off the waist. Wahoo, congrats to me, doing a little celebration dance. And the icing on the cake is that I now officially have a healthy waist measurement. I thought I had reached that earlier but then the boffins reconvened and lowered it from 35 to 32 inches. 

Just to bring me crashing back to Earth/reality, I decided to do a BMI check. Now my beginning BMI was a whopping 40 which as you can see from the chart below (from Weight-control Information Network), put me at Obese - Class 3 and in danger of all sorts of things.
Today it's 31, just inside the Obese - Class 1 category and nudging towards the merely Overweight catergory. I can't wait/weight to get a 2 at the front of that number!
Just to give you an idea of how out of control my weight was, I used to have a BMI of 15 when I was very fit and played a lot sport and ran and did all those high energy things that now make me tired just thinking of them. 

Your BMIWeight Category
18.5 and UnderUnderweight
30-34.9Obese Class 1
35-39.9Obese Class 2
40 and OverObese Class 3


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